Rimini all year round

Mostra ‘Lilian the Fighter’

from 02/02/2024 to 01/04/2024

From 2 February to 1 April 2024, the first floor of the Palazzo del Fulgor will host the exhibition ‘Lilian the Fighter’,  a selection of 30 drawings from the collection of Liliana Betti: Italian writer, scriptwriter and director, friend and collaborator of Federico Fellini.

The Liliana Betti Fund comprises 109 autograph drawings and 7 postcards recently acquired by the Ministry of Culture and entrusted to the Fellini Museum for safekeeping and preservation.

Most of the drawings are sketches that were probably made on the set, in the breaks between takes, with comic strips and playful inscriptions that express sympathy, confidence, affection and esteem and offer an insight not only into the world of Fellini’s private affections, but also into the enormous importance that drawing had in his creative process.

Where: Fulgor Palace, piazza San Martino – Rimini downtown
When: from 2 February to 1 April 2024
Time: Tuesday to Sunday 10am-1pm and 4pm-7pm,
closed on non-holiday Mondays,
inauguration on Friday 2 February from 5 p.m.
Entrance: with fee
For more information click here.
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